Maize has submitted two works for exhibition in the Gallery. The first is entitled Portrait of a Freight Train; it is made up of 96 photographs taken with his iPhone while travelling by train between Montreal and Toronto. He filmed the freight trains he saw along the way, taking a documentary approach to report on what was being transported and on the speed and length of the trains. In the same vein, Rail Spikes, a work consisting of a series of 121 railway spikes welded into the shape of a ring, the rail spike being a symbol of the link between the inseparable history of Canada and the railroad.
Materials: Railway spikes, photograph.
Creative Process
Maize looks at the connections between communities and the spaces they inhabit. He seeks to engage the public in a reflection on politics, psychology, history and geography through his art, using both the conceptual nature of his works and the materials from which they were created as a catalyst for dialogue with the viewing public. Maize’s process oriented approach explores language, colour, movement [gravity/time/space] and the patterns of human systems.
The Artist
Andrew Maize defines himself as an interdisciplinary artist. With Scottish, Irish and English roots, he now lives in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq Nation. As an arts educator and organizer, Maize is involved in various organizations such as White Rabbit Arts, the Circus of the Normal and the Lunenburg School of the Arts.